What’s your perspective?

Well it’s the end of another year already! How does that happen so quickly? We hope you had a year of wonderful adventures and memories to look back upon. If you happened to have sustained an injury this year, we hope you are on your way to recovery! What that looks like and how it is perceived, is different for everyone. Much research lately has focused upon an individual’s perception of pain, their injury and the rehabilitation journey to recovery.

A September 2017 article in Physiotherapy (Claydon et. al) evaluated individuals suffering from major orthopaedic trauma.  The impact of these major life events on a patient is not well understood. Traditionally, the research has focused on surgical techniques and how to “repair” an injury. This study explored how patients make sense of their rehabilitation and recovery following trauma.  They found three main themes around the path to achieving recovery.  Initially, there is the goal to get back on their feet, followed by the search for the right help and finally regaining a new sense of normality. Participants in this study regarded orthopedic consultants and physiotherapists to be their primary professionals to provide the tools to enable them to help themselves. Improving their physical function first, helped them to restore their emotional wellbeing. The notion of recovery was attained when participants had a new sense of self and regained confidence or enjoyment in their chosen activities.

This study highlights how rehabilitation is a complex process of coming to terms with physical and social limitations.  These participants represent a modern patient who considers rehabilitation to be their responsibility, while recognizing the need for expert help to know what to do. Physiotherapists are key to getting people back on their feet. By facilitating physical recovery, physiotherapists are able to influence a positive emotional wellbeing as well.

This notion of empowering people to be active in their recovery is integral to our profession. Educating people on how, why and what to do gives them the confidence to establish a new sense of self or regain what may have been lost through an injury or trauma.  Traditionally, healing is often considered to be a natural process that people can’t influence. This thought process can cause frustration or lead to chronic pain whilst waiting for an injury to heal. Many may believe they will never fully recover, they may lower their expectations and accept their limitations.  Embarking on an active recovery journey should focus on improving pain management, physical mobility and emotional wellbeing.

Embarking on a new year ahead may be your chance to embark on a new recovery journey. If you have been suffering or struggling with an injury, new or old, we would love to help educate you, teach you how to manage your pain and improve your physical function.

Happy holidays from all of us at Bragg Creek Physiotherapy and all the best wishes in the New Year ahead. We feel blessed to be a part of this amazing community!